DEV | bool | 0 | Development Mode, set to 1 to enable |
PUBLIC_LISTEN_ADDR | string | | TCP/IP listen address and port |
PUBLIC_URL | string | http://localhost:8080 | Public URL |
FRONTEND_URL | string | http://localhost:8080 | Frontend URL (usually matches the Public URL) |
ADMIN_UI_BACKEND | string | localhost:3000 | Host serving the Admin UI frontend |
BOOKING_UI_BACKEND | string | localhost:3001 | Host serving the Booking UI frontend |
DISABLE_UI_PROXY | bool | 0 | Disable proxy for admin and booking UI, set to 1 to disable the proxy |
POSTGRES_URL | string | postgres://postgres:root @ localhost/seatsurfing?sslmode=disable | PostgreSQL Connection |
JWT_PRIVATE_KEY | string | | Path to PEM file with RSA private key for JWT signing |
JWT_PUBLIC_KEY | string | | Path to PEM file with RSA public key for JWT verification |
SMTP_HOST | string | | SMTP server address |
SMTP_PORT | int | 25 | SMTP server port |
SMTP_START_TLS | bool | 0 | Use SMTP STARTTLS extension, set to 1 to enable |
SMTP_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY | bool | 0 | Disable SMTP TLS certificate validation |
SMTP_AUTH | bool | 0 | SMTP authentication, set to 1 to enable |
SMTP_AUTH_USER | string | | SMTP auth username |
SMTP_AUTH_PASS | string | | SMTP auth password |
SMTP_SENDER_ADDRESS | string | no-reply@seatsurfing.local | SMTP sender address |
MOCK_SENDMAIL | bool | 0 | SMTP mocking, set to 1 to enable |
PRINT_CONFIG | bool | 0 | Print configuration on startup, set to 1 to enable |
INIT_ORG_NAME | string | Sample Company | Your organization's name |
INIT_ORG_DOMAIN | string | seatsurfing.local | Your organization's domain |
INIT_ORG_USER | string | admin | Your organization's admin username |
INIT_ORG_PASS | string | 12345678 | Your organization's admin password |
INIT_ORG_LANGUAGE | string | en | Your organization's ISO language code |
ORG_SIGNUP_ENABLED | bool | 0 | Allow signup of new organizations, set to 1 to enable |
ORG_SIGNUP_DOMAIN | string | .on.seatsurfing.local | Signup domain suffix |
ORG_SIGNUP_ADMIN | string | admin | Admin username for new signups |
ORG_SIGNUP_MAX_USERS | int | 50 | Maximum number of users for new organisations |
ORG_SIGNUP_DELETE | bool | 0 | Allow admins to delete their own organisation |
LOGIN_PROTECTION_MAX_FAILS | int | 10 | Number of failed login attempts before user gets banned |
LOGIN_PROTECTION_SLIDING_WINDOW_SECONDS | int | 600 | Sliding window size in seconds for checking failed login attempts |
LOGIN_PROTECTION_BAN_MINUTES | int | 5 | Ban time in minutes |
CRYPT_KEY | string | | A 32 bytes long string used for encrypting certain database fields |