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While you can configure organisation-specific settings in the administrator web interface, global settings are set using environment variables. Set these environment variables when running the Seatsurfing backend Docker container.

Example: Using Docker Compose

POSTGRES_URL: 'postgres://seatsurfing:DB_PASSWORD@db/seatsurfing?sslmode=disable'

List of environment variables


Environment Variable Type Default Description
DEVbool 0Development Mode, set to 1 to enable
PUBLIC_LISTEN_ADDRstring listen address and port
PUBLIC_URLstring http://localhost:8080Public URL
FRONTEND_URLstring http://localhost:8080Frontend URL (usually matches the Public URL)
ADMIN_UI_BACKENDstringlocalhost:3000Host serving the Admin UI frontend
BOOKING_UI_BACKENDstringlocalhost:3001Host serving the Booking UI frontend
DISABLE_UI_PROXYbool0Disable proxy for admin and booking UI, set to 1 to disable the proxy
POSTGRES_URLstring postgres://postgres:root @ localhost/seatsurfing?sslmode=disablePostgreSQL Connection
JWT_PRIVATE_KEYstringPath to PEM file with RSA private key for JWT signing
JWT_PUBLIC_KEYstringPath to PEM file with RSA public key for JWT verification
SMTP_HOSTstring server address
SMTP_PORTint 25SMTP server port
SMTP_START_TLSbool 0Use SMTP STARTTLS extension, set to 1 to enable
SMTP_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFYbool 0Disable SMTP TLS certificate validation
SMTP_AUTHbool 0SMTP authentication, set to 1 to enable
SMTP_AUTH_USERstring SMTP auth username
SMTP_AUTH_PASSstring SMTP auth password
SMTP_SENDER_ADDRESSstring no-reply@seatsurfing.localSMTP sender address
MOCK_SENDMAILbool 0SMTP mocking, set to 1 to enable
PRINT_CONFIGbool 0Print configuration on startup, set to 1 to enable
INIT_ORG_NAMEstring Sample CompanyYour organization's name
INIT_ORG_DOMAINstring seatsurfing.localYour organization's domain
INIT_ORG_USERstring adminYour organization's admin username
INIT_ORG_PASSstring 12345678Your organization's admin password
INIT_ORG_LANGUAGEstringenYour organization's ISO language code
ORG_SIGNUP_ENABLEDbool 0Allow signup of new organizations, set to 1 to enable
ORG_SIGNUP_DOMAINstring.on.seatsurfing.localSignup domain suffix
ORG_SIGNUP_ADMINstring adminAdmin username for new signups
ORG_SIGNUP_MAX_USERSint 50Maximum number of users for new organisations
ORG_SIGNUP_DELETEbool 0Allow admins to delete their own organisation
LOGIN_PROTECTION_MAX_FAILSint 10Number of failed login attempts before user gets banned
LOGIN_PROTECTION_SLIDING_WINDOW_SECONDSint 600Sliding window size in seconds for checking failed login attempts
LOGIN_PROTECTION_BAN_MINUTESint 5Ban time in minutes
CRYPT_KEYstring A 32 bytes long string used for encrypting certain database fields

Frontend (Admin UI, Booking UI)

Environment Variable Type Default Description
FRONTEND_URLstringreq.urlFrontend URL
PORTint 3000 (Admin UI), 3001 (Booking UI)The server's HTTP port